
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Affero Ismail” ,找到相关结果约3806条。
The Importance of Graduate Students? Needs on Supervisory Contribution in a Malaysian Public University
Affero Ismail,Norhasni Zainal Abiddin
The Social Sciences , 2013,
Abstract: Postgraduate students are those that are building an academic career path after their Higher National Degree or Bachelor Degree. The training and preparation at this level are of vital importance. This culminates into writing of thesis or dissertation. Supervision is an intensive, interpersonally focused one-to-one relationship between the supervisor and the student. In this process, the supervisor is designated to facilitate the student’s academic development. The main objective of this study is to identify the students’ needs in terms of supervisory system. Supervisory system in this study will be discussed on research and supervision. Questionnaires were sent to 341 graduate students in a public university by purposive sampling. They were Master or Ph.D students with thesis program. About 184 (53.96%) of them were returned and usable. The majority of respondents found that the supervisory aspects generally very accessible. The study thrust will be to highlight the importance of supervisory contribution to graduate study. Supervisory contributions in this research were categorized into five which are managerial, research, academic, language and interpersonal input. Respondents perceived that managerial input was at the highest priority. It is followed by research input with a mean of 4.26. Academic and Interpersonal Input was rating at the third and fourth rank with mean of 4.22 and 4.21. Language inputs fall at the last rank. The study revealed that postgraduate students have different approaches in what they perceived as an effective supervision. The study also revealed that there certain needs highlighted by graduate students to be practiced. Therefore, balancing these needs is very crucial to the successful supervision of postgraduate research projects. Developing skills towards an effective supervision needs to be tackled in various ways. Effective supervisor is essential to guide postgraduate students during their progress in graduate study.
Building Excellent Workforce through Effective Coaching for Coachees’ Development
Norhasni Zainal Abiddin,Affero Ismail
International Journal of Education , 2012, DOI: 10.5296/ije.v4i1.1503
Abstract: Coaching is a part of educational training especially in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) to develop people in the professions. Coaching is related to self-development, professional growth and career development of the coachee. Not only do coaches have to play role but the coaches too and all this must be placed within the specific institutional context. This article is designed to summarize existing literature on coaching in order to assist coach-coachee in enhancing the best practices for effective coaching. Thus, it focuses on model of coaching, role of coach and the nature of the coach-coachee relationship.
Affero ISMAIL,Norhasni Zainal ABIDDIN
Journal of International Social Research , 2009,
Abstract: Issues of graduate studies have been studied and debated worldwide in the face of a changing higher education landscape. There are various stakeholders in the graduate process of study and inquiry, including the wider macro socio-economic environment, the micro institutional and departmental environment, as well as the individual student. Students need information and support to cope in balancing the demands of the different environments. This paper is mainly focusing on graduate research students’ needs in terms of information and services. Questionnaire was administered to graduate research students in a Malaysian public university. 184 (53.96%) sets of questionnaires were successfully returned from 341. Students’ responses in terms of information and services were reported. The study revealed that the information and services in this university was moderate from students’ perspective. Their needs and expectations were also being sourced. The results obtained show that graduate students’ needs extend beyond the mere informative basics. Suggestions were made on how the students’ stated needs can be used in the enhancement of an effective resource. As an educational institution, they may need to consider various ways in which these needs can be met. Students have different needs at the different level of graduate studies. The learning that takes place during graduate studies is a maturing process. Thus, effective resources are required in order to enhance the graduate process.
Improving the Development of Postgraduates’ Research and Supervision
Affero Ismail,Norhasni Zainal Abiddin,Aminuddin Hassan
International Education Studies , 2011, DOI: 10.5539/ies.v4n1p78
Abstract: Research and supervision have become a vital process in the successful of postgraduate studies. Building an academic career path after Higher National Degree or Bachelor Degree needs intensive training and preparation. This culminates in writing of thesis or dissertation. In this process, the supervisor is designated to facilitate the student’s research development based on good resources offered by the institution. At this stage, one of the most common complaints from research students concerns infrequent or erratic contact with supervisors, who may be too busy with administrative or teaching responsibilities, have too many students or be away from the university too often. The main objective of this paper is to expose what are postgraduate students’ problems in research and supervision. The paper’s thrust will be to highlight the importance of supervisory contribution to graduate study and to propose the best practice of supervisory inputs. Developing skills towards an effective supervision needs to be tackled in various ways. Effective supervision is essential to guide postgraduate students during their progress in postgraduate study.
Water Balance Analysis at Karangmumus River Basin Area (RBA) Samarinda City
Makara Seri Sains , 2009,
Abstract: Karangmumus RBA to getting degradation pressure being concrete drying and flooding so much to frighten. Climate data from BMG Temindung and SPAS Lempake has to water balance analysis based on Hewlett and Nutter methode. This region have the Area Class III (1500–2000 mm/year). With the bimodel or double wave rainfall models with C patern. The hight rainfall depth periode at December and April, therefore the low rainfall depth at September and November. Have level Q = ± 9.9%, or rainfall tipe A (very wet area with tropical wet vegetation) and E1 agroclimte zone. Water balance monthly indicated that this area have to water surplus 8 month, i.e. January (27.0 mm), February (57.3 mm), March (119.7 mm), April (72.8 mm), May (48.4 mm), Juni (19.6 mm), November (58.7 mm) and December (75.3 mm), or total amounts water surplus 478.8 mm/year. The water deficits at Juni (0.4 mm), July (0.3 mm), Augus (3.9 mm), September (13.6 mm) and October (26.7 mm) or total amount water deficits (44.5 mm/year).
Financial Risk Measurement for Turkish Insurance Companies Using VaR Models  [PDF]
Ismail Yildirim
Journal of Financial Risk Management (JFRM) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jfrm.2015.43013
Abstract: This study aims to measure the foreign exchange risks that the insurance companies are exposed to. In this context, this study analyzes 7 insurance companies listed in Borsa Istanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange). The foreign exchange risks that the insurance companies are exposed to were measured using VaR models, Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo Simulation methods. Data obtained from the analysis show the losses that the insurance companies suffer due to exchange risk. The losses calculated using the Monte Carlo Simulation were found to be greater than the losses calculated using Historical Simulation.
Translating and Representing ‘The Aftermath of Daesh’: A Rhetorical Semiotic Study of Some Mosuli Artists’ Works | Ismail | English Language and Literature Studies | CCSE
Ismail Ismail
English Language and Literature Studies , 2019, DOI: 10.5539/ells.v9n2p33
Abstract: Daesh has profoundly affected the psychological statues of Iraqis; they sacrificed thousands of souls and martyrs to liberate their country from a savage enemy. This study has, therefore, a psychological perspective. It tackles the reflections of agony, suffering and poverty in the behaviour of the artists, writers and translators. Iraqi artists have represented their suffering and pains in their paintings. They encoded the symbols, colours and semiotic mosaics in association with rhetorical connotations. Mosul is the city most affected by the terrorist acts during the war. Therefore, the study has selected four Mosuli artists who drew, painted and visually documented that period. Translation does not limit itself to the study and analysis of verbal/linguistic texts; it also tackles the extra-linguistic signs and codes of the source language to transfer them into the target language appropriately and in a way that seems intelligible to the readers or the spectators of these paintings. The research questions are based on a set of issues: Are the teachers of translation able to construct a bridge between Iraqi society, European society and other societies? These paintings have socio-cultural symbols specific to Iraqi society. Are the teachers of translation able to come out from the shell of the linguistic texts and move towards the semiotic and visual texts
Hydromorphological Mapping and Analysis for Characterizing Darfur Paleolake, NW Sudan Using Remote Sensing and GIS  [PDF]
Samy Ismail Elmahdy
International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2012.31004
Abstract: The north-western part of Sudan, which is the driest region on earth has revealed newly surface and near surface paleodrainage network underneath sand sheets indicating the possibilities for economic groundwater reservoirs. Advanced Space-born Thermal Radiometer (ASTER), the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM ~90 m) DEMs and Quickbird images corroborate the presence of surface and near surface paleodrainage network. Bivariate quadratic surfaces with moving window size of 3 × 3 were fitted to the SRTM DEM. The second derivative surface curvature was calculated to reveal landform classes that may receive most of fossil water. The results showed that the new unnamed depression which recharges by a longitudinal paleodrainage network may receive vast amount of groundwater during humid phases. The results demonstrate that the D8 and curvature algorithms are very efficient tools for revealing and characterizing hydrological elements in arid and semi-arid regions and they provide information for hydrological exploration in remote deserts over large scale prior to geophysical survey.
Overcoming Object Misalignment in Geo-Spatial Datasets  [PDF]
Ismail Wadembere, Patrick Ogao
Journal of Geographic Information System (JGIS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2014.64028

In integrating geo-spatial datasets, sometimes layers are unable to perfectly overlay each other. In most cases, the cause of misalignment is the cartographic variation of objects forming features in the datasets. Either this could be due to actual changes on ground, collection, or storage approaches used leading to overlapping or openings between features. In this paper, we present an alignment method that uses adjustment algorithms to update the geometry of features within a dataset or complementary adjacent datasets so that they can align to achieve perfect integration. The method identifies every unique spatial instance in datasets and their spatial points that define all their geometry; the differences are compared and used to compute the alignment parameters. This provides a uniform geo-spatial features’ alignment taking into consideration changes in the different datasets being integrated without affecting the topology and attributes.

Information Reach and Range Impact on Interorganizational Systems Platforms  [PDF]
Ismail M. Romi
Intelligent Information Management (IIM) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/iim.2014.61001

Organizations tend to use information systems (IS) applications that require data to be exchanged between different parties, while data exchange is restricted with information reach and range, which determines the organizations’ IT platform. To determine the best platform, a comparison between electronic data interchange (EDI) and web services was conducted depending on certain criteria, and then we match the results with the information reach and range. The main findings show that the web services platform can take place when the range of information access is required by anyone and anywhere regardless of IT base. EDI can take place when the range of information access doesn’t exceed the organizations’ boundaries. But when the range of information access exceeds the organizations’ boundaries, still between certain partners, web services or EDI can take place, and thus the organization can select them from those platforms depending on other criteria such as security, and cost.


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